Wednesday, February 10, 2016

My Address to the Lowndes County Commission 02-09-16

Mr. Chairman. Commissioners. In November of 2014, I came before this body, and pleaded with you to protect the citizens of Lowndes County from a corporation from several states away. The corporation wanted to appropriate the property of our neighbors in order to ram through the county a gas pipeline with gas bound for Florida. That would be the Sabal Trail Pipeline, and their parent corporation, Spectra.

After I finished, Commissioner John Page stood up and said, No one on the Commission was in favor of the pipeline. Consequently, on November 14, 2014, this Commssion passed a resolution against the pipeline. After a number of WHEREAS'S, I quote,

"NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Lowndes County Board of Commissioners opposes the construction of the Sabal Trail pipeline in any portion of Lowndes County. The Lowndes County Commission has concerns with fundamental property rights and does not believe that citizens with small tracts should be forced to lose the use of large portions of their property for the Sabal Trail pipeline. The Lowndes County Commission does not see any long term benefit to the citizens of Lowndes County." (emphasis, mine)

The resolution was signed by the Chairman, Bill Slaughter. And those that led the fight against this taking of private property were very thankful for the Commission's support. That is what you should do, represent the interests of your constituents, and the will of the people.

Imagine my surprise, when two weeks ago, I found out that this Commission voted an easement to the Sabal Trail Pipeline across the Clyattville landfill by a vote of 4-1. It seems no citizens knew this was happenning until the morning of the vote, when it was rammed through at that evening's meeting. Obviously, things were going on in secret, behind closed doors, that no one outside of county government was privvy to.

Don't you think it is a matter of integrity - or lack thereof - for the Commission to say one thing, then barely fourteen months later turn around and do the opposite? Those that have fought to protect Lowndes County property owners from this rapacious, and evidently powerful, corporation, feel betrayed by your actions. Once again, I ask, how is it that a foreign corporation can have more power than the hundred thousand plus citizens of Lowndes County combined?

Why did you do this? For what was called a "good business deal?" A one time payment of $54,000? I might have considered $54,000 a year a good business deal, but $54,000 to a multi-billion dollar company like Sabal Trail/Spectra, is mere chump change.

But even more importantly, is that what your word is worth? That's what screams at us through this action. You have betrayed the trust of the citizens of Lowndes County for a mere 54,000 pieces of silver? That's really sad. And I'm really mad.

The only way you could redeem yourselves is to immediately rescind this easement to Sabal Trail and return their dirty money.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Lowndes County Commission Capitulates to Foreign Corporation.

In a surprise move, the Lowndes County Commission approved an easement across the landfill to the Sabal Trail Pipeline by a vote of 4-1, with only Commissioner Marshall voting against, last January 23. This came as a total shock to the residents of Lowndes County, because the Commission had previously unanamously passed a Resolution opposing the pipeline in November, 2014, that said,

NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Lowndes County Board of Commissioners opposes the construction of the Sabal Trail pipeline in any portion of Lowndes County. The Lowndes County Commission has concerns with fundamental property rights and does not believe that citizens with small tracts should be forced to lose the use of large portions of their property for the Sabal Trail pipeline. The Lowndes County Commission does not see any long term benefit to the citizens of Lowndes County, The Lowndes County Commission formerly asks the Federal Energy Regulation Commission (FERC), and our state and federal legislators to support us in this effort to have Lowndes County and The State of Georgia bypassed. (emphasis mine)

That's a pretty clear statement to me. Now, barely fourteen months later, they approve an easement across county property to Sabal Trail. And they do it for a meager one time payment of 54,000 pieces of silver. They had the audacity to consider it a good business decision.

I might have considered $54,000 a year a good business decision, but this isn't even chump change to a multi-billion dollar company like Spectra. This is some high falutin' Houston, Texas company coming in and treating the local yokels like chumps. Sabal Trail and Spectra played them like a Stradivarius.

The worst of it is, not fourteen months after assuring the citizens of Lowndes County that their elected officials were on their side, they turn in the opposite direction and overwhelmingly approve the pipeline. Those that have opposed and fought against the property taking by this foreign corporation had barely eight hours notice this question was even on the agenda. I'm sorry, but the manifest lack of integrity is overwhelming. The least I expect of my local representatives is that they be honest men and women of their word. Breaking your word is a deal breaker with me.

integrity: the quality of being honest and fair. (Merriam-Webster)

Two commissioners and the chairman are up for reelection. I think they've forfeit their trust and will have to be replaced.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The Lowndes County Commission has voted (4-1) to allow an easement to the Sabal Trail gas pipeline, for a one time payment of 54,000 pieces of silver through the closed Clyattville landfill, which is a known polluter of mercury into the local environment. 

In late 2014, after an impassioned plea against this pipeline by yours truly, County Commissioner John Page, said, "No one on this Commission is in favor of this pipeline." Subsequently, the County Commission voted for a resolution against the Sabal Trail Pipeline. What has changed between then and now?

Were they lying to us then? The Commission can take a stand, I don't care. What I don't like is that they lie to us, the citizens of Lowndes County. The citizens of Lowndes County had effectively a mere twenty four hours or less to muster opposition from the time we were made aware of the issue. 

With this vote they effectively align themselves with the Sabal Trail Pipeline project, and against the citizens of Lowndes County. A year ago they voted against the pipeline. Now they voted in favor of the pipeline for a mere one time $54,000 payment. Seriously, say what? This is very weird to me.